Blog-a-thon-The Last Day

First Reaction:
Yippeee!! Last day of the blogathon! πŸ˜€ I did it!

Second Reaction:
Whew! 31 days of continuous brain whacking for ideas.Finally, its done!

Third Reaction:
Wow! So many of us did it together and lived up to the promise despite having some hectic times everyday.

So Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! For those who did the Blogathon, for those who dropped by and commented and for those who did not join this blogathon but still posted everyday πŸ˜€ Awesome! *This* is exactly what kept me going when I was out of ideas or had a long day when I couldnt think of posting anything – the interest of the fellow bloggers πŸ™‚ Boy! Im glad though that I completed it and like everyone else who did this, I dont think I would be getting into another Blog-a-thon anytime in the near future again. I was also thinking maybe we should’ve done this in February – What say? 3 less posts to think of! Hehehe.

RM had asked me to put up links to everyone’s blogs who were doing this but I never actually got around to do it. So on the last day, here’s the links to all the blogs that wrote almost everyday (Atleast started to write everyday πŸ™‚ )- As part of this blog-a-thon or as NaBlaPoMo.

For your Reading Pleasure:


Finally, once again – One BIG Thank You! to all these blogging friends, feels great to be a part of such an awesome blogging community πŸ˜€

9 thoughts on “Blog-a-thon-The Last Day

  1. Thanks much for including me too. I decided to do the NaBloPoMo to get back to blogging and only then realized you all were doing it too πŸ™‚ Indeed, the company kept us going πŸ™‚

    Three cheers to all of us!

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