Some art and Some show-off

So, my cousin’s wedding is coming up in November and I had this craving to do something creative. Especially since I saw RM,Seema,SnS with kids work and ofcourse Artsy-Craftsy mom!  Didnt really have the guts to do anything big time and I needed a push. Combining the two – I decided to make some money envelopes as the family (all Mom’s brothers and sisters)- would be giving the bride, money. And once I started-I wanted to make more than the initial 5 I had in number.I had the hand made paper booklet as a gift from Women’s Web which was too good to waste by writing anything on it 🙂 Last weekend I picked up some of the ready made flowers from Itsy-Bitsy – a shop that caters to all arty-crafty stuff and the Ganeshas and Peacocks and the kalash – I drew them with coloured glitter glue.

Let me just stop the preamble ramble and show you what I did today afternoon 🙂 Since the little fellow was asleep for an hour and half, I utilized that time and did these: (Please excuse the photo quality-Im not too good with it at all!)

10 Money Envelopes

So, what do you think? Is it good enough to give the bride?

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